Our Hidden Senses: How They Guide Us Every Day

In a world filled with wonders, our hidden senses are the quiet heroes, making sure we can move, explore, and savour each moment.

Did you know our body has secret senses that do amazing things? These hidden senses work behind the scenes, helping us move, play, and even know when we're full. Let's explore these lesser-known senses that are like hidden superheroes.

1. Sense of Balance (Vestibular Sense):

Ever spin around and then stop? That feeling is thanks to your vestibular sense. It helps you balance and stay steady, whether you're jumping or just standing. Next time you ride a swing, remember it's your vestibular sense having a blast!

2. Knowing Where We Are (Spatial Awareness):

Have you ever closed your eyes and still touched your nose? That's your spatial awareness in action. It helps you know where your body parts are, even when you can't see them. It's like having an invisible map of your body.

3. Feeling Pressure (Proprioception):

When you hold a pencil or squeeze a teddy bear, your proprioception knows how much pressure you're using. It's like a pressure gauge for your body. And guess what? This sense helps you know when your tummy's full after eating.

4. The Power of Touch (Tactile Sense):

Our skin is super skilled at feeling things, but did you know it also helps us understand things like texture and temperature? When you touch something soft or feel the warmth of the sun, it's your tactile sense giving you the info.

5. Alerting Us to Change (Interoception):

Interoception is like your body's messenger. It lets you know when you're hungry, thirsty, or need to use the bathroom. It's the reason you know when your tummy feels full or when you're getting a little sleepy.

Unseen Heroes in Our Daily Lives:

These secret senses work together to help us do everything, from eating to playing. When you swing on a swing set, it's your vestibular sense keeping you balanced. And when you know you're full and ready to stop eating, it's your proprioception sending that message.

Listening to Our Hidden Senses:

Remember, even though these senses aren't as famous as our sight or hearing, they're just as important. They guide us without us even realizing it. So next time you jump, spin, or enjoy a tasty meal, give a nod to these hidden heroes making it all possible. (Read: How do we create an environment from birth to help our children cultivate these senses?)

In a world filled with wonders, our hidden senses are the quiet heroes, making sure we can move, explore, and savour each moment. They're like our own personal team of super spies, helping us navigate the world around us in ways we never imagined.


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