
All activities have been thoughtfully selected and designed to ensure that your child has a great experience in our play space.
Bouncy Castle

Come climb through our magnificent treehouse and swing from the treetops!

Our custom-made playset has been designed with all major gross motor skills in mind. Kids will be able to strengthen large muscle groups and coordinate body movements while moving through the treehouse.

Gross motor skills are important for a child's overall physical development, as they contribute to strength, balance, coordination, and spatial awareness. These skills are typically acquired and refined through active play, exploration, and physical activities during childhood.

Climbing wall

Watch as your little ones develop confidence, strength, and coordination as they conquer new heights in a safe and supervised environment!

A climbing wall is an excellent addition to play environments designed to support children’s growth. It provides children with a powerful opportunity to develop motor skills, problem-solving skills, and risk assessment, and it doesn’t stop there!

Learn more: Physical fitness, creativity, perseverance, focus and concentration

Toy Floor

A wide range of toys from Lego Duplo sets, to musical instruments and a whole host of open-ended toys and play equipment will keep your little ones entertained for hours, while giving you some space to simply be.

The Toy Floor has a range of toys and activities that children of all ages can enjoy. Instead of directing your child’s attention, let them look around and discover the toys and equipment for themselves. They will surprise you with how creative they can be!

Wooden playground

A tasteful mini-playground that’s meant for children younger than 5!

Children need plenty of opportunities to work on both fine and gross motor skills such as climbing, balancing, and hanging from the very beginning, so having safe, age-appropriate play equipment is a must for this age group!

Reading corner

Browse through all our material on child development. We’re sure you’ll learn something new here every time you come!

Our shelves are lined with books that sing the praises of Montessori, responsive parenting, authoritative parenting, and nurturing based on neuroscience. Take your pick and be prepared to be wowed by the things you never knew about your child and you!

Workshops / art jamming

Browse our range of child and parent workshops here!

Parent-child trust workshops
MNRI workshops and courses
Art jamming for kids
Art jamming for adults
Messy play


Simple, transparent pricing that grows with you. Try any plan free for 30 days.
Opening hours
Tue-Sun 10am to 10pm
Tuesday to Thursday
1 child + 1 adult, Tue-Thu
RM 40
1 child (chaperone), Tue-Thu
RM 70
Additional adult, Tue-Thu
RM 20
Friday to Sunday, PH
1 child + 1 adult, Fri-Sun, PH
RM 50
1 child (chaperone), Fri-Sun, PH
RM 90
Additional adult, Fri-Sun, PH
RM 30

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